It can transform, protect, energize and rescue society. Aware of the underestimated general "super-power of architecture ©" we feel responsible for serving biggest basic public and social needs worldwide with our individual desire and our powerful profession. That's why we founded supertecture.

a non profit “think-tank-task-force” for the realisation of social community buildings with young Robin Hoods from all over the world who want to make a change through meaningful architecture and civil engineering.

SUPERTECTURE is a growing voluntary movement of young architecture that is priceless in a double sense:

We are longing for architectural quality with a high level of detail, joy, innovation, supervision and thirst for adventure - a passion that could not be financially compensated in its respective contexts. Our salary is the possibility to serve unprivileged communities with doing what we are in love with. We rather seek to bring architectural peace and happiness to those who can’t afford any architecture at all.

If you are in need, 

if you can't afford an architect and

if you can find us -

maybe you can hire:


Check out our three secret ingredients for the maximum social impact of our work:


In order to give young architect's the chance to participate most effectively and responsibly in meaningful architectural missions worldwide, we divide bigger and complex projects into little “bites”. Doesn't matter which toilet, class room or dormitory: we consider every room of any project as an individual house to be designed and constructed and inaugurated by a single young architect (engineer/designer).

The related design-ownership of each and every young participating fellow leads to uncomparable commitment, reliability and quality.


In team supertecture we discuss, support and accompany both: the design proposals and the realisation of each "room-house" so that every house fits to the overall building design and in order to work according to our supertecture design principals.

As a result of splitting compounds into its smallest components we get huge architectural expositions with a wide range of different local materials and technologies that respectfully showcase the unlimited architectural potential of each and every region we are working with.

In order to not mess up bigger projects made of the “the room-house” concept we ask every young participating architect to select a single major material or technology.


This “weapon of choice” promises architecture rich in contrast and it allows every fellow to concentrate on the gentle and appropriate handling with individual resources and techniques. If you do not have any precise plans for your upcoming semester or the uncertain times after your studies and if you don't mind collecting experiences with many outstandingly cool materials - we would love to welcome you in one of our projects!


Get in touch with us! Become a member of team supertecture yourself! (see: join our team)


To let architecture become a true motor of sustainable and self-sufficient local improvement we are questioning and re-thinking the traditional character of our social building projects. Many years of grass root architecture in unprivileged regions taught us clearly how successful projects should actually look like: long-termed, regenerative and determined by local participation.


Why constantly building beautiful buildings instead of social-economic motors that empower people to realize and run their own ideas?


Our answer to the quest of “sustainable social architecture” is a long-term commitment in selected villages with a community hotel-project that belongs to cooperatives of all respective inhabitants and that provides 100% of its profit to social community projects - in other words: a “social perpetuum mobile”.


Some outstanding arguments for the potential of our community hotel project:

· hotel with the highest density of architecture and realization of an architectural exposition - due to the design-ownership of many volunteering fellows

· slow and sustainable progress with potential of learning lessons that have been taken into account

· free provision of the region’s best hotel location due to a strong self interest of the community

· formation of a strong circle of friends for the community hotel consisting of plenty local shareholders, many contributing young architects, convinced and frequent travellers  and exited media (due to the project’s innovative unselfish soul).


Lets connect the local "simple man" to sources of income that have been reserved for rich investors so far. Imagine a chain of hotels as peacefully warriors against the inequality of income between different members of society. We want to “robin-hood” our architecture for shifting wealth from the rich to the poor!


Traditional development aid is so old-fashioned - it needs some aid as well as inspiration and for sure a certain revolution itself.


Are you tired of medieval approaches to "support and develop" unprivileged foreign places?

Would you like your next holidays to have a huge positive impact on local people?

Wouldn't it be great to visit the places of your support yourself?


This chapter deals with the understanding of our architecture’s part that deals with material, form and technology:

To “robin-hood” architecture means to show the beauty of simple and free material to those who can’t afford designer buildings.

That’s why we want our buildings to become surprising miracles made of ordinary, underestimated, neglected, unnecessary or disturbing things - like water to wine!


In places of low general wealth, we normally identify a narrow range of applied resources and strategies to buildings. But possibilities are always much wider as we may guess by the built environment. Our work wants to detect future, alternative, traditional and forgotten architectural potential. We pursue to contribute to the range of local building traditions by respectfully creating expositions that show the unlimited local architectural opportunities of the particular culture.

Every small building we are realizing is a research project to reinvent, reimerge, recycle, reuse, upcycle, reinterpretate or develope smart architectural solutions. Those solutions are not entirely predictable from abroad but they need sensitive investigation on site.


“Robin-hooding” architecture empowers people to rebuild our low-tech examples. Therefore we share our research results with everybody so that the whole world can copy, develope, transform, adapt and learn from it. No secrets!


We want our small buildings to tell different stories about the innovation, collaboration and passion which makes this architecture possible. Those architectural stories may eventually contribute to reconsider the value of certain resources and they may inspire with particular “socio-economic” alternatives regarding for example waste, sanitation, transport, energy, as well as natural and free availability of things.

supertecture gUG  ·  Kaisergäßchen 5  ·  87600 Kaufbeuren  ·  IBAN: DE02 4306 0967 8239 8592 00  ·  BIC: GENODEM1GLS  ·  GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG